Siobhan Way is a young jewell designer. She has presented her collections at a private showcase 'Bel Eté', by the swimming pool at of of her friends' house.
Ju l'a aidée en fabriquant et peignant les présentoirs à bijoux.
Ju helped her by making and painting the plinths to expose the jewels.
Les présentoirs |
Lors de la soirée, Vi était en charge de la cuisine. Elle devait préparer les canapés, les disposer sur des plats de service, décorer les plats et respecter un planning se service minutieusement planifié. Un peu stressant mais elle s'en est bien tirée car de nombreuses personnes ont demandé qui était le traiteur !
During the evening, Vi was in charge of the kitchen. She has to prepare the toasts, put them on service plates, decorate the plates and respect the precisely timed service schedule. A bit stressful but she did well as many people asked who was catering !
Le chef ! |
At the door, Ju had to check the invitation cards and serve a glass of champagne to the newcomers.
Ju et Siobhan |
waouh ! ju en costume ?!